
As a lifelong organizer (think young Sara organizing her Halloween candy into categories and teenage Sara in her bedroom organizing her CD’s alphabetically by genre) it was time to make it official in 2022 and take my talents to the masses!

Sara is a professional organizer in Vancouver

I live in Vancouver, BC with my son and husband and have been a wedding planner since 2011. One of my favourite things about wedding planning is organizing all of the pieces so they form a cohesive wedding day and this correlates to home organization as well. Some people open up a cupboard or closet and can’t figure out how to make it work better for them but my brain gets so excited to work out the current problem and make it accessible for everyone who uses the space.

When I’m not organizing, from the months of September to April (and hopefully beyond!) you will likely find me at a hockey rink. My son plays hockey and I have been a Canucks fan since before I can remember and have had season tickets since the early 2000’s. If you want to talk hockey while organizing then I’m definitely your person!

Professional Organizer Vancouver

Back in 2011, I completed a course to become a certified wedding planner from the QC School of Event Planning and when I decided to move into organization I went back and took courses in Professional Organization with a certification as an Advanced International Organizing Professional (AIOP) and Aging in Place with a certification as an Aging in Place Professional (APDP).

certified professional organizer vancouver black certificate button

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